How To Make Money Easily Through Ponzi Scheme
Recently, as I started putting two and two together, the things I noticed was the deliberate act of delay tactics being employed by the various people, institutions, governments with the intention to deny, stretch and even to steal what is not theirs.
Most leaders of these institutions were what is referred as being educated and enlightened. So, they have heard and read about the statement that Justice delayed is justice denied, I guess that was their intention in he first place.
They usually give the impression that they were investigating the issue while all along looking for your weakness to nail you with. This so called investigation can last years while the injustice remained unattended to. If you happen to persist and insist on justice being done, you're nothing but wicked and evil. So the outcome you are wishing on him that offended will be meted out to you now by the body that supposed to be fighting injustice thereby committing the crime they supposed to be fighting.
Witnessing situation of this kind the masses found themselves, they became hardened instead of cowering under the bed or joining the status quo. Usually it’s always the aim of those perpetrators on masses, to frighten them from pursuing their rights.
I am victim of such treatments, I encountered in the course of recovering the school fee I paid 16 years ago. You see, to think that it took me days to pay the tuition in question and almost two decades, I am yet still to see the money back.
Those involved it seems are unaware of their gang ups. It is like they don’t even realized that what they engaged in is gang up which can even be labeled as Ponzi in action on an assumed legally wider intercontinentally scale. One fearful thing is that they are acting on impunity.
Schools and Banks are traditional record keeping institutions. Accessing records are not something that they would be found wanting on. No sound mind can ever believed that tracing records can be a difficult thing to carry out in an institution like the two.
Money that passed through banks are records that are easily traceable. So whether those it is their duty to undertake those tracing like Police, schools, banks, EfCC, FBI etc. are aware of their complicity or not, they are still involved whatsoever. The message their I don’t care attitude is across to the main culprits is that they can pick on anyone and pocket that persons property with impunity since their previous actions went uninvestigated and mighty windfall entered their coffers without sweats.
What would stop people like that from embarking on another journey towards the same or anticipated hidden treasure cave in future?. These perpetrators would come to believe that if they gang up against anyone’s money or other valuables in future and sat on it for a particular period of time, the ownership can easily change hands without qualms. The victims of such crime that previously believed with faith that certain professions like Banks, Police, lawyers, Doctors etc. were faith based professions would start having second thoughts on those professions and even on humanity as a whole.
Some mighty even be forced to defend or avenge themselves in only way they know how to. History has shown that the outcome of such frustrations is never a good news on the institutions, individuals, families, and nations involved. It creates problems and trends that take years to put right again.
Does the saying that good things comes to those that waits applicable to the above scenario?
My answer is capital NO. It’s incubator of corruption, evil gang ups, Racism and bad economy are nurtured. To loose faith on people, institutions or government is very easy but it’s recovery take years and it’s never as strong.
What excuse would you give to a man that takes days to forwards to you the amount you asked him and to return the same amount backward taking two decades to achieve.?
There’s no other excuse other than the Ponzi scheme at work.
If it were in stocks that the money was invested, hoping to make a gain on it before sending it back, was it not exactly what Madoff was into?
Rob Peter to pay Paul and then, you rob John to pay Peter. Yet he was sent to prison to die there and I never for once heard that the authorities his victims contacted took two to investigate.
1) Maybe, they are trying to force me to take part in their sacrifices before acting,
2) Are they trying to force me to worship their God or something?
3) Are they trying to frustrate me into crime or something?
4) Are they trying to make me know two of them?
5) Are they trying to use me in achieving their mentor's aim?
“ I understand the law of sowing and reaping. It’s a spiritual law that has tremendous physical implications. Every time that we delay or frustrate whatever we can do today, leaving it till tomorrow, we hold back the future. We too must reap what we have sown by experiencing delays”-----Yemi Osibanjo
No one likes delays, no one likes to wait unnecessarily for whatever outcome it is he or she is waiting for. To intentionally delay the outcome for years is nothing but denial and pure connivance.
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